SVIA serves as an advocate for members and the public on issues relating to all areas of stable value funds and investments. SVIA is the only association dedicated solely to the stable value asset class. As such, SVIA is well-positioned to provide leadership and representation before the media, educators, legislators, regulators and opinion leaders on stable value funds.
As a SVIA member you direct association activities through voting on proposed initiatives and participation in SVIA committees.
SVIA surveys provide statistics exclusive to the stable value asset class. They include: A quarterly characteristics survey that covers over 30 stable value providers with more than $900 billion in stable value assets. The survey looks at several important data points such as: AUM, crediting rate, duration, credit quality. An annual investment and policy survey that covers more than 150,000 plans across a broad array of data points. A biannual survey of issuers that covers wrap assets and sales.
Information is provided in formats ranging from Stable Times, the association’s biannual publication that provides a quick synopsis on both industry concerns and association activities, to email alerts and summaries on stable value developments. Additionally, the association hosts exclusive member only events including the Annual Fall Forum in Washington, DC and the Spring Seminar, which bring together members from all areas of the stable value industry for the purpose of engaging in open and informative dialogue about the issues that are facing the industry.
The SVIA Board uses the association’s standing committees as well as working groups to develop and recommend policy statements and initiatives that assist the association in achieving its mission. SVIA committees include: Communication and Education, Data and Research, Diversity Equity and Inclusion, Events Planning, Government Relations, Finance, and the Executive Committee.
Access SVIA’s member directory and discuss issues with industry colleagues at SVIA events. SVIA hosts a number of forums in multiple formats to bring members together to discuss and address issues and best practices related to stable value funds and investment strategies.
SVIA holds a National Fall Forum in Washington, DC and a Spring Seminar. Both events bring together members from all areas of the stable value industry for the purpose of engaging in open and informative dialogue about the issues that are facing the industry.
Receive exhibition space to showcase your firm at association conferences and events.
Receive visibility in a prominent location on SVIA’s website and on all conference materials, as well as a description highlighting your firm and its role in the stable value business in all conference materials.
Gold members receive unlimited conference registrations at $1,450 per person, which is a $900 savings per attendee. Silver members receive four discounts, Bronze members receive two.
SVIA’s Value Program gives SVIA the necessary financial resources to accomplish its central mission: educating, communicating, and demonstrating the advantages of stable value in retirement savings to plan sponsors, their participants and beneficiaries, the general public, and public policy-makers. Value Program support gives SVIA the ability to take our message directly to a public that is growing older and more sensitive to risk, and whose financial responsibilities are increasing as they try to balance the needs of their parents and their children while simultaneously planning for their own retirement.
The financial support of the Value Program members is exceeded only by the personal and individual commitment of time and effort by their professionals to achieve stable value industry goals. SVIA gratefully acknowledges the dedication of time, energy and financial support that member firms have given to help promote stable value investments.
SVIA thanks our current Value Program Members for their support. In addition to being Association members, these organizations partner with SVIA to bring their expertise and leadership to critical issues before the stable value industry. They also make possible our core services such as our website, Stable Times, the Spring Seminar and the National Forum and Annual Membership Meeting.
This membership tier is company-wide and available to any organization who would like to apply. Most of our Service Firm members are insurance companies, banks, asset managers, and law firms who work directly with stable value.
This membership tier is department-wide and is only available to corporate and public defined contribution and 529 plan sponsors. It only applies to employees working directly with the company plan. SVIA Plan Sponsor members include a number of large public and private defined contribution plans and 529 college savings plans.
This individual membership tier applies to licensed consultants and advisors who work with plan sponsors to help improve their defined contribution plans. This is a non-voting membership that provides consultants with member-only SVIA data from our quarterly and annual surveys, as well as the ability to participate on SVIA committees.
Value Program Membership is available to all SVIA members.