Funding Agreement

An insurance contract under which the issuer guarantees principal, accumulated interest, and a future interest rate for a specified period of time. Unlike guaranteed investment contracts, funding agreements are not group annuity contracts and can be issued to entities other than tax-qualified plans.

Investment Options

One or more investment portfolios (whether mutual funds, commingled funds, separately managed accounts or other investment vehicles) offered within a defined contribution plan, into which participant and employer contributions may be directed. This may include equity options, bond options, balanced options, target date or risk-based options, an employer stock option, a stable value option, a money market option, or other types of options.

Net Crediting Rate

The crediting rate after adjusting for some or all expenses and any special provisions of the product, expressed as an effective annual yield.

Put Option

A stable value term (unrelated to derivatives) that describes the ability of a plan to exit a stable value commingled fund at contract value, subject to a specified notice period. A put option may mean either (1) a provision under the fund documentation that an invested plan can exit the fund at contract value by the end of […]

Stable Value Investment Association (SVIA)

A non-profit organization dedicated to educating retirement plan sponsors and participants about (1) the importance of saving for retirement and (2) the contribution that stable value investment options can make toward achieving retirement security. The SVIA provides leadership and representation for stable value investments before the media, educators, legislators, regulators, and opinion leaders, and it provides a forum […]


See equity wash.

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