New SVIA Resource: Stable Value at a Glance 2.0

A refresh of SVIA’s most popular resource, Stable Value at a Glance, is now available. This version contains all the information from the prior version along with the most popular graphs and statistics from other SVIA education pieces all in one place.

The Facts About Stable Value Funds

An increasingly unpredictable market has heightened attention on stable value funds. With $902 billion in assets, stable value funds represent 8% of defined contribution plan assets based on the Investment Company Institute’s Retirement Plan Assets as of first quarter 2022. This FAQ is intended to answer frequent questions on stable value given the increased attention and prominence of this investment option in defined contribution plans.

U.S. Migration Trends Accelerated During Pandemic

A little more than two years ago, The Washington Post reported on “the Great American Migration of 2020”—a reference to describe the millions of Americans who were moving in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Inflation Upends Economic Outlook

In October 2021, the Multi-Asset Strategy team at New York Life Investments had a “constructive” or positive outlook on the U.S. economy. Six months later, economist Lauren Goodwin, director of portfolio strategy for the Multi-Asset Solutions team, said the outlook had shifted to “cautious but constructive” for the rest of this year.