Navigating a Late-Stage Economic Expansion: Why Interest Rates Are Likely Headed Lower

The current economic expansion is already the longest in U.S. history. So it is not particularly surprising that it has been showing occasional signs of winding down. More dramatic is what that might mean. Speaking at the 2019 SVIA Fall Forum in mid-October, Steven M. Friedman, senior macroeconomist for the global fixed income team at […]

Tapping the Short End of the Yield Curve: Fixed-Income Opportunities for Stable Value

Over time, longer-duration fixed-income assets tend to generate higher, albeit more volatile, returns than shorter-duration fixed-income assets. But investing further out on the yield curve doesn’t always offer rewards commensurate with the risks, says Joseph Graham, investment strategist at institutional money management firm Lord Abbett. And that has some intriguing implications for stable value managers. […]

Implementing Reg BI: Financial Services Firms Look for Guidance

On June 5, the Securities and Exchange Commission adopted its long-awaited Regulation Best Interest (Reg BI). It mandates upgraded standards of conduct for broker-dealers, requiring, among other things, that any recommendations they make to retail customers be in the customers’ best interest. Five months later, the financial services industry is still trying to figure out […]

Stable Times Volume 23 Issue 1

Download PDF The biannual publication of the Stable Value Investment Association that covers both industry concerns and association activities. Table of contents: Stable Value: The Consultants’ View The Shift: Fed Makes U-Turn on Monetary Policy On Deck: What the 116th Congress is Doing About Retirement A Precarious Existence: Transamerica Study Finds Retirees’ Financial Health at […]

Stable Value: The Consultants’ View

For years, stable value providers have known their success depends on winning the confidence not just of retirement plan sponsors and participants but also plan consultants. In April, the stable value industry took advantage of the 2019 SVIA Spring Seminar to find out how consultants are thinking about stable value products and what they’re hearing […]

The Shift: Fed Makes U-Turn on Monetary Policy

For the Federal Reserve, it’s all about inflation right now. After raising the federal funds rate nine times since December 2015, the Fed’s summary of economic projections now implies no rates hikes in 2019, down from previous expectations for two, and just one in 2020. In addition, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell has suggested the Fed […]

On Deck: What the 116th Congress Is Doing About Retirement

Passing retirement legislation proved difficult in the 115th Congress, in which Republicans controlled both chambers of Congress. Could things proceed more smoothly in the 116th, now that Democrats have regained control of the House while Republicans remain in charge of the Senate? Actually, they may, says Angela Montez, senior vice president, general counsel and chief […]