Worried About A Bond Bubble?

The Forbes article “Worried About A Bond Bubble? Consider A Stable Value Fund For Your 401(k)” brings up some good points regarding stable value funds. http://www.forbes.com/sites/janetnovack/2012/11/26/worried-about-a-bond-bubble-consider-a-stable-value-fund-for-your-401k/

Debt and Deficit Crisis: Navigating the Realities of a Deleveraging

By Randy Myers The 2008 housing bust and credit crisis may be fading into the rearview mirror of history, but they are continuing to drive developments in financial markets and much of the global economy. After triggering what has been termed the Great Recession, the financial market crisis has left the developed world contending with […]

Evaluating Pooled Fund Risks under Extreme Conditions

By Randy Myers Rising interest rates can be a challenge for stable value funds, and after years of falling rates, many in the stable value industry are wondering how they will react when rates finally do rise. Their attention is focused especially on pooled funds, since a single pooled fund can manage assets for hundreds […]

Income Funds: The Next Evolution for Stable Value?

By Randy Myers Hybrid cars are the latest innovation in the automotive world, and some investment professionals are wondering if hybrid funds could be the next big thing in the stable value universe. Only a handful of hybrid funds exist. There isn’t even a consensus on what these funds should be called; some have also […]

Generations: Key Drivers of Investment Behavior

Download PDF By Randy Myers Having witnessed two major bear markets in a single decade, some young investors appear to be steering clear of stocks. This could have an impact on their long-term financial security, as stocks historically have provided higher returns than other asset classes over long periods of time. Addressing participants at the […]

The Federal Budget: David Walker Lays Out Hard Choices for a Sustainable Future

By Randy Myers To some, Washington’s inability to come up with a meaningful plan to reduce the federal debt is evidence of political gridlock. To David Walker, Comptroller General of the United States and head of the U.S. Government Accountability Office from 1998 to 2008, it’s just another sign that the United States has become […]

Stable Value Funds Deliver for Investors in 2011

By Randy Myers Investors want two things from their stable value funds: capital preservation and a steady, predictable return on their investment. In 2011, stable value funds continued to deliver those benefits, SVIA President Gina Mitchell told participants at the organization’s Fall Forum, held in November in Washington, D.C. Acknowledging that stable value investors value […]

Stable Value and Rising Interest Rates

Stable value managers are frequently asked how stable value funds will respond in a rapidly rising interest rate environment. Some consultants and plan sponsors seem to fear that today’s historically low interest rate environment will disadvantage stable value funds should rates rise. To address this fear, it is helpful to look at what makes this […]

The 2012 Elections: Time for a Change?

Among political truisms, few are more trusted than this one: presidents do not get reelected when the economy is weak and unemployment is high. However, warns public opinion pollster Gary Langer of Langer Research Associates, anything may be possible in 2012. The economic outlook was clearly weighing against President Barack Obama’s reelection hopes as 2011 […]