SVIA Fall Forum Fast Approaching

There has been an incredible response to this year’s Fall Forum and we have the agenda to match. Aside from our excellent panels, we’ll also be featuring the following keynote speakers: Stig Nybo, President, Pension Sales and Distribution, Transamerica Retirement Solutions and co-author of Transform Tomorrow, will discuss how we can move beyond the retirement […]

Stable Value Bond Funds Provide Smooth Sailing

Most bond mutual funds sank in June. For the month, intermediate-term bond mutual funds lost 2.1%, according to Morningstar. Rising interest rates caused the red ink. When rates climb, bonds tend to decline. But millions of fixed-income investors in 401(k) plans avoided the pain by holding stable value funds. These funds reported steady gains throughout […]

14th Annual Transamerica Retirement Survey

Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies has recently released its 14th Annual Transamerica Retirement Survey of more than 3,650 full‐ and part‐time workers, which found that retirement confidence is on the rise in 2013 amid signs of economic recovery. Fifty‐five percent of workers are “somewhat” or “very confident” about retirement, representing an increase from 51 percent […]

How America Saves

Interested in defined contribution retirement plan trends? Vanguard recently published their annual “How America Saves” which provides data on plan designs, participant activity, allocations and investment returns for 2012 and retrospectively. Accompanying the numbers are Vanguard’s observations and conclusions on changes and trends. How America Saves 2013 is a report issued by Vanguard which covers […]

Protect your 401(k) from rising rates

By: Ray Martin – CBS News Moneywatch It’s been a good year for stocks, but for bonds the story is not so good. Click here for the full article

Think twice about dropping bond funds

If you’re worried about the bond funds in your retirement savings, take a deep breath and think twice before following the crowd. Also, consider a stable value fund. Click here for the full article

Regulators Continue to Study Dodd-Frank

By Randy Myers   When Congress passed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, it tasked the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) with conducting a study of stable value contracts. The goal was to determine whether stable value contracts should be treated as over-the-counter […]

NAIC Separate Account Risk Working Group Listens to Commenters

By Helen Napoli   On June 5th, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ (NAIC) Separate Account Risk (E) Working Group heard from four out of the nine commenters who submitted written comments on the NAIC’s evaluation criteria, assessments and proposed recommendations regarding the insulation of separate accounts. The NAIC asked interested parties to comment on […]

Fiscal Concerns: Goldman Sachs Asset Management Offers an Update

By Randy Myers   Continued modest economic growth, low interest rates and benign inflation should provide a fertile backdrop for the U.S. equity market in the year ahead, says Samantha Davidson, managing director with the Global Portfolio Solutions Investment Team at Goldman Sachs Asset Management. Speaking at the 2013 SVIA Spring Seminar in April, Davidson […]