Dodd Describes His Work on Signature Bill as Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity

Groundbreaking legislation generally springs from extraordinary circumstances. In the case of the far-reaching Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, the extraordinary circumstance was the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, a debacle that cost the U.S. trillions of dollars, millions of jobs, millions of homes lost to foreclosure, and the […]

Stable Value: Challenges and Opportunities

By almost any objective measure, the stable value industry is doing well. From 2000 through 2012, assets in stable value funds increased significantly to an all-time high of $701 billion.[1] This represents about 14 percent of the $5.1 trillion of assets in defined contribution plans at the end of that period. Stable value wrap capacity, […]

Stable Value Seen Outperforming Other Fixed-Income Sectors in Rising Rate Environment

Rising interest rates are generally bad for fixed-income investments, but perhaps not as bad for stable value funds as for some other short-term sectors of the bond market. Researchers at New York Life Investment Management recently looked at how six different asset classes have performed in the past during periods of steadily rising interest rates […]

The Big Picture: Trends in Defined Contribution Plans

Investors in 401(k) plans may not be saving enough for retirement, on average, but they’re saving more than headline numbers would suggest. In a wide-ranging panel discussion at the 2013 SVIA Fall Forum, Elizabeth Heffernan, vice president of investment product management at Fidelity Investments, said the average account balance in plans for which Fidelity provides […]

Shields Says Income Inequality Could Be “Sleeper Issue” of 2016 Election

There are plenty of issues that could define the 2016 presidential election. Republicans and Democrats could still be fighting about taxes and spending, foreign policy, and even healthcare. But nationally known columnist and political commentator Mark Shields says that income equality could be the issue that determines who will occupy the White House next. According […]

Reviewing your 401K ahead of retirement

The Minneapolis-based NBC affiliate Kare11 recently featured an advisor from Morgan Stanley with advice on reviewing your 401(k) prior to retirement. Check out the video below or head over to their website to read the article.  

Assessing Stable Value After 2008

Download PDF Stable value has evolved significantly since the 2008 financial crisis. Investment guidelines are tighter, adding further protections to the asset class and making it more resistant to future market dislocations. Broader restrictions on transfers to competing funds are reducing the likelihood that short-term interest-rate arbitrage will harm long-term investors. Slightly higher fees reflect […]

Job Opening: Senior Analyst at Lincoln Financial

Download PDF Lincoln Financial is looking for a Senior Analyst in Retirement Sales Support. This position will be a key contributor to product manufacturing, management and positioning of stable value products. See attached PDF for more details. Visit and reference 13-2007 to apply.

SVIA Releases Synthetic Investment Contracts Basics

Download PDF The Stable Value Investment Association is pleased to announce the release of Synthetic Investment Contracts Basics. Synthetic Investment Contracts Basics explains the synthetic GIC structure, provides an overview of bonds, and answers frequently asked questions about synthetic GICs. Basics demystifies for plan participants the 40% of stable value invested in synthetic GICs that […]