Tactics for Combating Low Bond Yields

Dividend-paying stocks and preferreds, lower-quality bonds, and stable-value funds top readers’ lists of investments for a yield-starved environment. Click here to read more

Stable Times Volume 18 Issue 2

Download PDF The biannual publication of the Stable Value Investment Association that covers both industry concerns and association activities. Table of contents: As Market Stabilizes, Stable Value Industry Looks to Growth [PDF] Millennials and Stable Value: Made for Each Other? [PDF] Dodd-Frank Remains Work in Progress [PDF] Collision Course: Social Security and a Slow-Growing Economy [PDF] An Appraisal: ERISA at […]

As Market Stabilizes,  Stable Value Industry Looks to Growth

With the turmoil of the 2008 financial crisis largely in the past, the stable value industry is turning its focus to growth. The latest SVIA survey of 22 stable value managers shows that from the end of 2012 through the first half of  stable value assets held fairly steady. In total, stable value funds now […]

Millennials and Stable Value: Made for Each Other?

The millennial generation and the stable value industry may be made for each other. The young are often painted as risk-takers, but in the case of millennials—those Americans born between 1982 and 2004—old measures may be misleading, says Neil Howe. Neil Howe is the founding partner and president of LifeCourse Associates, a publishing, speaking and […]

Dodd-Frank Remains Work in Progress

Four years after its passage, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act remains a work in progress. While 73 percent of its rule changes and other requirements were completed by July of 2014, 27 percent were not finished, including 11 percent on which work had not yet begun. “It won’t be until the […]

Collision Course: Social Security and a Slow-Growing Economy

Conventional wisdom holds that the Social Security program will soon become insolvent because the number of people collecting benefits has grown exponentially relative to the number of people paying into the system. That is largely true. But it is not the only challenge to the federal retirement program. In an address at the 2014 SVIA […]

An Appraisal: ERISA at 40

Forty years ago President Gerald Ford signed into law the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, better known as ERISA. Congress’ overarching goal in writing the law was to protect the interests of workplace retirement plan participants and their beneficiaries. The results have been mixed, although many of the shortcomings in the nation’s private […]

State and Local Pension Plans: Coping with Funding Challenges

Strictly by the numbers, pension plans sponsored by state and local governments do not look to be in great shape. Many plan sponsors have not been making full annual contributions to the plans, and partly as a result the average funded ratio for those plans has fallen to 71 percent from 90 percent since 2004. […]

An Inside Look at How America Saves

It should not be that difficult. For a defined contribution plan to work for you, says Jean Young, senior research analyst at Vanguard Group and lead author of its periodic report on retirement plan participant behavior, How America Saves, you simply need to save enough and invest appropriately. Unfortunately, Young said at the 2014 SVIA […]