Stable Value Expert Interviews: What impact will a rise in interest rates have on stable value?

Stable value has weathered six full market cycles, and when interest rates rise stable value reinvests at higher rates to generate higher yields for participants while protecting against volatility with its insurance component. What impact will a rise in interest rates have on stable value funds? from SVIA on Vimeo and YouTube
Stable Value Expert Interviews: Do stable value fund returns outweigh the risks?

Stable value offers consistent and positive returns regardless of market cycle, typically 50 to 200 basis points above money market funds, yet with a similar risk profile. Do stable value fund returns outweigh the risks? from SVIA on Vimeo and YouTube
Stable Value Expert Interviews: What type of environment does a stable value perform best?

Stable value is designed to perform in any environment to provide conservative returns without price volatility, and even had positive returns during the 2008 financial crisis. What type of environment does a stable value perform best? from SVIA on Vimeo and YouTube
Stable Value Expert Interviews: How does the volatility of stable value compare?

In a stable value fund interest rate changes are spread over a period time (amortized) to provide investors with a low-risk option that has historically provided higher returns than money market funds. How does the volatility of stable value compare to bonds and money market? from SVIA on Vimeo and YouTube
Stable Value Expert Interviews: Do people invest in both money market funds and stable value funds?

Plan sponsors will often decide to have only money market or stable value in their plan, however most participants who have the choice will typically allocate to stable value due to its similar risk profile but higher returns. Do people invest in both money market funds and stable value funds? from SVIA on Vimeo and YouTube
Stable Value Expert Interviews: Why are money market funds more widely known than stable value?

While stable value accounts for over 12% of all defined contribution plan assets, that is the only place it is available to investors, whereas money market funds can be found almost everywhere. Why are money market funds more widely known than stable value? from SVIA on Vimeo and YouTube
Stable Value Expert Interviews: Is it more difficult for plan sponsors to offer stable value?

Many plan sponsors recognize the benefits of having a stable value fund over a money market fund for capital preservation. Is it more difficult for a plan sponsor to offer a stable value fund versus a money market fund? from SVIA on Vimeo and YouTube
Stable Value Expert Interviews: Are stable value funds used in target date funds?

Stable value funds can be part of custom target date funds to help reduce risk and volatility for those in or near retirement. Why should defined contribution plans offer stable value funds? from SVIA on Vimeo and YouTube
Stable Value Expert Interviews: Why should defined contribution plans offer stable value funds?

Stable value can offer the stability of a money market fund with returns similar to a bond fund, making it an excellent fit for the conservative portion of a retirement portfolio. Why should defined contribution plans offer stable value funds? from SVIA on Vimeo and YouTube