Stable Value: The Plan Sponsor Perspective
It’s obvious that many defined contribution retirement plan sponsors like stable value funds—about half include them among their plan’s investment options. But some plan sponsors really like stable value funds. Take Keith Watson, director of pension investments for Textron Inc. “Stable value is complicated,” Watson says. “There are operational risks, wrap capacity and fee issues, […]
DOL Proposes Major Changes to ERISA Fiduciary Rules for Providers
The Department of Labor’s (DOL) proposed fiduciary rules change the playing field for service providers that may make recommendations for the sale of their own products and services. If a service provider including a stable value product provider or an investment manager were to acquire fiduciary status in connection with sales of its own products […]
Stable Value Funds Offer Anchor When Markets Get Choppy
The market’s waters are likely to get progressively choppier as the Federal Reserve nears a rate hike. Conservative investors seeking an anchor for their portfolios may want to check out stable value funds, says James King, chairman of the Stable Value Investment Association. Read the full article here.
Does your plan offer stable value funds?
According to Plansponsor’s 2014 Defined Contribution Survey, overall, less than two-thirds (59.7%) of plans offer stable value funds. For plan sponsors debating the addition of a stable value offering to their lineups, Jim King, managing director of strategic relationships at Prudential Retirement, sees a solid place for this option on a streamlined investment menu. “Stable […]
How Stable Value Funds Fit in Your Portfolio
If you have access to these fixed-income investments, they are a good place to keep money you might withdraw soon in retirement. Click here to read more.
Add a Little Sprinkling of a Stable Value Fund to Your Portfolio
A stable value fund is a low-risk investment vehicle offered by defined contribution plans that provides a unique combination of benefits such as capital preservation and steady growth in principal and earned interest, with returns similar to intermediate bond funds – about 2% or so – with the liquidity and certainty of money market funds. […]
The Big Interview with Gina Mitchell
SVIA’s Gina Mitchell was featured on an episode of MoneyLife with Chuck Jaffe to discuss stable value, listen to the interview below: Your browser does not support the audio element. Please click here to download the MP3.
What role do investment guidelines have for stable value?
Investment guidelines help asset managers achieve the best possible returns in the current market environment in such a way that limits undue risk. What role do investment guidelines have for stable value? from SVIA on Vimeo and YouTube
What are benefits of having a non-participating component of a stable value option?
A participating structure means the interest rate will be reset on a periodic basis using a formula to pass through underlying investment performance. In a non-participating structure, the risk is transferred to the contract issuer. What are benefits of having a non-participating component of a stable value option? from SVIA on Vimeo and YouTube