Stable Value Is Better Than Bonds

Consensus forecasts continue to favor higher rates and low bond returns over the medium term. GMO, the Boston-based global investment firm, recently updated its 7-year real return forecast and projected a dire situation for most asset classes, including a projected -2.1% real return for U.S. bonds. Most investors understand the risk/return tradeoff expressed by stocks, […]

How plan sponsors should respond to 401(k) money market fund rules

Plan sponsors should consider stable value and guaranteed rate funds which guard against loss of principal but may have redemption fees and liquidation window restrictions. These funds have yields that are much higher than government and prime money market funds. Recent fiduciary breach lawsuits filed against plan sponsors for using money market funds instead of […]

ICMA-RC Seeks Senior Stable Value Fund Manager

The Senior Fund Manager will take a lead role in the co-management of proprietary stable value funds/portfolios and oversight of certain fixed income funds/portfolios and external asset managers. Such responsibilities will include working with the Managing Vice President, Fixed Income and other senior investment personnel, in developing and implementing stable value fund/portfolio strategies and the […]

Stable Value Funds: Risk Less And Earn More

During periods of market turbulence and low interest rates, many investors struggle to find investment alternatives that aren’t getting hammered. But those saving for retirement may be pleasantly surprised to discover a unique breed of mutual fund known as stable value funds. These funds are somewhat similar to money market accounts, except that they post […]

The 6 Most Popular 401(k) Investments

401(k) plan participants are given a limited menu of investment options and must choose how to allocate their retirement savings. Younger 401(k) investors tend to select equity funds, while older participants often have a growing interest in protecting part of their savings using bond funds, stable value funds and money funds. Many new 401(k) participants […]

Evaluating Capital Preservation Options

In light of US money market reforms, many defined contribution (DC) plan sponsors are weighing the pros and cons of their capital preservation choices in terms of yield, daily liquidity needs, net asset value stability and liquidity restrictions. DC plans have typically selected between money market and stable value funds as their capital preservation option. […]

Leadership: The Other Stable Value

In early April, the U.S. Department of Labor finally issued its long-anticipated new rule extending fiduciary responsibility to anybody who is compensated for providing investment advice, whether to individuals or retirement plans. In a nutshell, it requires fiduciaries to act in the client’s best interest. Sounds simple. But the so-called streamlined rule is 1,028 pages […]

How Gender and Generation Impact Retirement Saving

Men and women aren’t really from different planets, no matter what psychotherapist John Gray argued in his 1992 best-seller. But men and women tend to behave differently when it comes to saving and investing for retirement. In a 2015 study of male and female participants in more than 2,000 defined contribution retirement plans, researchers at […]