Donahue Article Identifies Important Considerations in Selecting Stable Value

By Gina Mitchell   An article, “Fundamental Investment Principles of DC Option Selection Prove Optimality of Stable Value,” by Paul Donahue, a proponent of stable value, was recently published in the Society of Actuaries’ Pension Section News which is “a medium for the timely exchange of ideas and information of interest to pension actuaries.” However, […]

Stable Value Assets Continue to Grow

By Randy Myers   Assets in stable value funds continue to edge higher, climbing to $801 billion in the second quarter of 2016, up from $770.5 billion a year earlier. Stable value now accounts for about 11.6 percent of all assets in defined contribution plans, SVIA President Gina Mitchell announced at the opening of the […]

Brexit and US Politics: What They Say about Voters’ Views

By Randy Myers   The first shocking election result in 2016 happened in the U.K., where, voters frustrated with what they viewed as unfavorable trade deals, uncontrolled immigration, and out-of-touch leadership opted by a 52-48 margin to exit the European Union (EU). Their sentiments were hardly unique, though. In the U.S., many voters voiced the […]

Board Recognizes James King and Aruna Hobbs

By Gina Mitchell   At the October 10th Board of Directors meeting both James King and Aruna Hobbs were recognized for completing six years of service on the Board. Prudential’s James King was the past Chairman of the Board of Directors for four years. During 2016, King served in an ex-officio capacity. During King’s tenure […]

Voya Economist Sees Bond Yields Remaining Low

By Randy Myers   U.S. interest rates have been holding at or near historic lows for six years now. That is a long time, but it could be longer still before they climb much higher, says Matt Toms, Chief Investment Officer, Fixed Income, for Voya Investment Management. Addressing the 2016 SVIA Fall Forum in October, […]

Association Elects Three to Board of Directors

By Gina Mitchell   On October 10th at SVIA’s Board of Directors meeting, voting members elected three individuals to the Board of Directors. They were UTC’s Joseph Fazzino to a plan sponsor seat, Metropolitan Life’s Thomas Schuster and New York Life Investment Management’s Cindy Cristello to the two open service firm seats. The three will […]

Health Savings Accounts: Next Generation Retirement Savings Vehicles?

By Randy Myers   Could a savings account designed to cover medical costs actually be a good way to enhance retirement savings? In some ways, and under some circumstances, yes. Health savings accounts, or HSAs, are tax-advantaged savings vehicles created to help people who are enrolled in high-deductible healthcare plans pay for out-of-pocket medical expenses. […]

Defined Contribution Plans Evolving as Traditional Pensions Disappear

By Randy Myers   As traditional defined benefit pension plans continue to disappear around the world, the defined contribution plan market in the U.S. continues to evolve—with important implications for the stable value industry. Speaking at the 2016 SVIA Fall Forum, Stacy Schaus, Executive Vice President and Defined Contribution Practice Leader for investment manager PIMCO, […]

Asset TV MASTERCLASS: Stable Value – October 2016

With recent money market reform going into effect, how is Stable Value affected? Watch as four top experts discuss the benefits and opportunities in Stable Value for plan sponsors. Featuring: Karl Tourville – Founding Managing Partner at Galliard Capital Management Karen Chong-Wulff – Managing Vice President, Fixed Income at ICMA-RC Warren Howe – National Director, […]