States Look to Close Retirement Plan Coverage Gap

By Randy Myers   In a country where defined contribution plans have become the most common way to save for retirement in the workplace, many Americans are being left behind. According to a study by the Pew Charitable Trusts, about 40 percent of full-time private sector workers in the U.S. do not have access to […]

Wharton Professor David Babbel Finds More Reasons to Like Stable Value

By Randy Myers   David Babbel, Professor of Finance and Professor Emeritus of Business Economics and Public Policy at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, has been a fan of stable value for the past decade. He has written several papers on the asset class since 2007, the first sponsored by the SVIA and the […]

Saving and Investing for Retirement: Surprising Mistakes People Make

By Randy Myers   Everybody knows where Americans go wrong in saving and investing for retirement. They start too late. They save too little. They invest too conservatively—or too aggressively. They borrow from their retirement accounts. True enough. But as personal finance writer Martha Hamilton, now a Senior Editor at the International Consortium of Investigative […]

Litigation: The New Reality for Defined Contribution Plans

By Randy Myers   For the past decade, sponsoring or servicing a retirement savings plan has been fraught with litigation risk. It could get worse. The targeting of retirement plans by the plaintiffs’ bar began in earnest in September 2006 when the St. Louis-based law firm of Schlichter Bogard & Denton filed lawsuits against several […]

Stable Value Masterclass on Asset TV

By Jane Marie Petty   Four stable value industry experts recently participated in Asset TV’s Stable Value Masterclass. The panelists were James J. King, Managing Director and Client Portfolio Manager at Prudential Retirement; Warren Howe, National Director of Stable Value at MetLife; Karl Tourville, Founding Managing Partner of Galliard Capital Management; and Karen Chong-Wulff, Managing […]

A Consultant’s View on Defined Contribution Plans and Stable Value

By Randy Myers   Target-date funds are capturing an increasing share of the assets in defined contribution retirement plans. But Jacob Punnoose, a Partner in Aon Hewitt Investment Consulting, says the future remains bright for stable value funds, too. Speaking at the 2016 SVIA Fall Forum, Punnoose said that even if stable value’s share of […]

Donahue Article Identifies Important Considerations in Selecting Stable Value

By Gina Mitchell   An article, “Fundamental Investment Principles of DC Option Selection Prove Optimality of Stable Value,” by Paul Donahue, a proponent of stable value, was recently published in the Society of Actuaries’ Pension Section News which is “a medium for the timely exchange of ideas and information of interest to pension actuaries.” However, […]

Stable Value Assets Continue to Grow

By Randy Myers   Assets in stable value funds continue to edge higher, climbing to $801 billion in the second quarter of 2016, up from $770.5 billion a year earlier. Stable value now accounts for about 11.6 percent of all assets in defined contribution plans, SVIA President Gina Mitchell announced at the opening of the […]

Asset TV MASTERCLASS: Stable Value – October 2016

With recent money market reform going into effect, how is Stable Value affected? Watch as four top experts discuss the benefits and opportunities in Stable Value for plan sponsors. Featuring: Karl Tourville – Founding Managing Partner at Galliard Capital Management Karen Chong-Wulff – Managing Vice President, Fixed Income at ICMA-RC Warren Howe – National Director, […]