Stable Value on CNBC
Stable value was recently highlighted on CNBC as market turmoil continues to drive record 401(k) trading activity, with 41% of recent inflows going to stable value.
Stable value was recently highlighted on CNBC as market turmoil continues to drive record 401(k) trading activity, with 41% of recent inflows going to stable value.
Stable value fund industry players met in Washington, D.C. this week in what should be a more attractive interest rate environment for the tax-qualified-only retirement plan investment vehicle.
In collaboration between Valerian Capital Group, the Actuarial Science Department of the University of Lyon, and CNAM University in Paris, this research provides insights into the risk management of stable value wraps, particularly from the insurer’s perspective.
Many have theorized about how stable value would perform in a rapidly rising interest rate environment. The rapid rise in short-term interest rates since March of 2022 is the largest increase in rates since the 1980s and provides data to test these theories.
The Value Program membership recognizes the differing levels of financial support that members provide to help SVIA accomplish its mission.